670LFURHOHWURQLFV UXH -0RQHW &UROOHV )UDQFH IUDQFNDUQDXG#VWFRP M. Bidaud 3KLOLSV 6HPLFRQGXFRUV UXH -0RQHW &UROOHV )UDQFH $EVWUDFW 7KLV SDSHU SUHVHQWV WKH VXEVWDQWLDO LPSDFW RI JDWH R[LGH SURFHVV RQ WKH 5HYHUVH 1DUURZ &KDQQHO (IIHFW 51&( :H FRPSDUHG WKH ZLGWKGHSHQGHQFLHV RI 1 FKDQQHO WUDQVLVWRU LQ FDVH RI SXUH R[LGH SURFHVV DQG R[\QLWULGH SURFHVV XVLQJ HLWKHU 5DSLG 7KHUPDO 1LWULGDWLRQ 571 RU 'HFRXSOHG 3ODVPD 3URFHVV '31 7KH UROH RI R[LGDWLRQ SRZHU WR UDLVH WKH 51&( KDV EHHQ GHPRQVWUDWHG E\ ERG\ IDFWRU PHDVXUHPHQWV $Q HPSLULFDO PRGHO ZDV HVWDEOLVKHG WR H[WUDFW WKH 6KDOORZ 7UHQFK ,VRODWLRQ 67, HGJH FXUUHQW FRPSRQHQW $FWLYDWLRQ HQHUJ\ RI 67,HGJH OHDNDJH ZDV ZRUNHG RXW IRU HDFK JDWH R[LGH SURFHVV )LQDOO\ ZH GHPRQVWUDWHG WKH VWURQJ LQWHUHVW RI QLWULGDWLRQ PHWKRG WR OLPLW SDUDVLWLF 51&( ,QWURGXFWLRQ To enhance the sub-0.1µm transistor performance, aggressive Equivalent Oxide Thickness (EOT) was used for gate oxide. Many works demonstrated the major interest of EOT reduction to improve drive current without damage off-channel one's [1]. However, it has been established that two major issues are limiting gate oxide reduction way: boron penetration inside p-channel during dopants activation [2] [3] and gate oxide leakage [4] [5]. A solution, to moderate simultaneously boron diffusion and gate leakage, is to use an oxynitride for gate oxide material [4]. Several papers exhibit the dangers of gate nitridation option, especially in term of gate oxide integrity and carriers mobility degradation [6]. On our side, we investigated another phenomena induced by oxidizing process: the dopant segregation inducing threshold voltage (V th ) roll-down for narrowest transistors. This work is focused on the strong impact of gate oxide process on narrow width effect due to the acceptors ions segregation inside STI-oxide during the gate oxidation step. ([SHULPHQWDO A standard CMOS process was performed on <100> Si-bulk substrate, including conventional STI, dual gate oxide and cobalt salicide process. Source-drain extensions were built with low energy Arsenic implantation and high dose (1e15at/cm²). Dopants were activated during a rapid anneal at 1025°C. Table 1 supplies the details of gate oxide trials performed for these experiments. Table1: summary of gate oxide experiments 3URFHVV LG 3URFHVV IHDWXUHV (27 QP >1@ RTO (pure oxide) RTO 900°C 2.0 0 RTO+RTN RTO 900°C RTN 950°C 1.8 4 RTO+DPN RTO 900°C DPN 35" 1.65 8 RTO+DPN+Anneal RTO 900°C DPN 35" Anneal 1000°/15" 1.8 10 RTN+DPN+Anneal RTN 950°C DPN 35" Anneal 1000°/15" 1.6 14A pure oxide, as reference, was realized with Rapid Thermal Oxidation (RTO). All the recipes used RTO as a pre-oxide before an additional nitridation step performed either with RTN or DPN method. Nitridation process used NO gas. Only last trial did not have a pre-oxide option, and used a direct nitridation mode in RTN coupled with a DPN. Table 1 explains main process conditions as temperature and time. The EOT have been extracted from C-V curves after fitting with simulated plot using Schrödinger-Poisson method [7]. The ...