The magneto-electric (ME) coupling on spin-wave resonances in single-crystal Cu2OSeO3 was studied by a novel technique using electron spin resonance combined with electric field modulation. An external electric field E induces a magnetic field component µ0H i = γE along the applied magnetic field H with γ = 0.7(1) µT/(V/mm) at 10 K. The ME coupling strength γ is found to be temperature dependent and highly anisotropic. γ(T ) nearly follows that of the spin susceptibility J M (T ) and rapidly decreases above the Curie temperature Tc. The ratio γ/J M monotonically decreases with increasing temperature without an anomaly at Tc. PACS numbers: 75.85.+t, 76.50.+g, Magneto-electric (ME) materials exhibiting coupled and microscopically coexisting magnetic (M) and electric (P) polarizations have attracted considerable interest in recent years [1][2][3][4]. This coupling allows one to influence the magnetic state of a ME material via an external electric field, thus opening a broad range of possible technical applications of such materials [3,5]. Moreover, it is very interesting to investigate the microscopic mechanism of ME coupling, since P and M tend to exclude each other [4]. In order to detect the ME effect, sensitive and reliable experimental techniques are required, since this coupling is generally quite small. Usually, for the determination of the ME coupling either the dielectric properties of ME materials are measured as a function of magnetic field or the magnetization is studied as a function of an applied electric field [3].Cu 2 OSeO 3 is a paraelectric ferrimagnetic material with a Curie temperature of T c 57 K [6][7][8]. The ME effect in Cu 2 OSeO 3 was first observed by magnetocapacitance experiments [6]. Later on, a small abrupt change of the dielectric constant below T c was reported by infrared reflection and transmission studies [9,10]. Recent µSR investigations showed a rather small change of the internal magnetic field by applying an electric field [8]. X-ray diffraction [6] and nuclear magnetic resonance [11] studies revealed no evidence of any lattice anomaly below T c , suggesting that lattice degrees of freedom are not directly involved in the ME effect. Moreover, a metastable magnetic transition with enhanced magnetocapacitance was observed [6] and later on was also investigated under hydrostatic pressure [12]. Very recently, ME skyrmions were observed in Cu 2 OSeO 3 by means of Lorentz transmission electron microscopy [13] and small angle neutron scattering [14].Here we report a study of the ME coupling in single crystal of Cu 2 OSeO 3 . For this investigation a novel microscopic method for the direct determination of the ME effect based on the standard FMR/EPR technique combined with electric field modulation was developed. As a result, to our knowledge for the first time spin-wave resonance (SWR) excitations [15] were detected via ME coupling. The linear ME coupling strength γ was determined quantitatively in Cu 2 OSeO 3 . In particular, the temperature and angular dependence of γ and the SWR...