A gas of inelastic rough spheres admits a spatially homogeneous base state which turns into a hydrodynamic state after a finite relaxation time. We show that this relaxation time is hardly dependent on the degree of inelasticity but increases dramatically with decreasing roughness. An accurate description of translational-rotational velocity correlations at all times is also provided. At a given inelasticity, the roughness parameter can be tuned to produce a huge distortion from the Maxwellian distribution function. The results are obtained from a Grad-like solution of the Boltzmann-Enskog equation complemented by Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulations.PACS numbers: 05.20. Dd, 45.70.Mg, 51.10.+y, The extension of statistical and fluid mechanics concepts to fluidized granular matter systems has allowed for a better understanding of the discrete-to-continuum description of matter by placing it into a more general theoretical framework [1][2][3][4].Granular systems may exist in fluidized states at densities low enough to make a description by means of the (inelastic) Boltzmann and Enskog equations [2,3,[5][6][7] possible. In that context, an immediate question arises: Do the inelastic versions of these kinetic equations support an accurate hydrodynamic description for granular gases as the elastic one [8] does for molecular gases? A variety of interesting kinetic theory studies have successfully modeled granular gas dynamics, proving additionally that granular gases may admit a hydrodynamic description [2-4, 9-11]. However, most granular transport theories do not take into account the effects of particle roughness, which is inherently present in all real granular systems [12,13], or do it in the quasismooth regime [5,6]. Thus, the debate on the limits of applicability of granular hydrodynamics is still not closed.The existence of a hydrodynamic regime relies on scale separation [14], i.e., individual particle (microscopic) dynamics variations (both in time and space) should be much shorter than those for the (macroscopic) average fields [2,8,14]. For molecular fluids, hydrodynamic states exist if the system is not subject to large gradients from the boundaries. However, for granular gases, even if no gradients are applied at all, the inelastic cooling sets an inherent decay time rate for the kinetic energy which is not necessarily slow compared to the characteristic microscopic time. This makes the proof of existence of a hydrodynamic solution in granular gases be not trivial [15], even for homogeneous states. The more realistic case of rough spheres seems to be much more com- * fvega@unex. Is the ability of a homogeneous gas of rough spheres to reach a hydrodynamic state related to the degrees of inelasticity and/or roughness? How does the degree of roughness affect the aging time needed to reach the hydrodynamic HCS state? Is the HCS marginal probability distribution of angular velocities close to a Maxwellian? For this, both theoretical and simulational routes are followed. We develop a perturbative, Gra...