We report the first observation of a non-dipole transition in an ultra-cold atomic vapor. We excite the 3P-4P electric quadrupole (E2) transition in 23 Na confined in a Magneto-Optical Trap(MOT), and demonstrate its application to high-resolution spectroscopy by making the first measurement of the hyperfine structure of the 4P 1/2 level and extracting the magnetic dipole constant A = 30.6 ± 0.1 MHz. We use cw OODR (Optical-Optical Double Resonance) accompanied by photoinization to probe the transition.PACS numbers: 32.80. Pj, 42.62.Fi, 32.10.Fn One of the frontiers in atomic physics is the detection of the signature of a transition that is classified as "forbidden." Forbidden-transition spectroscopy now plays a central role in tests of fundamental symmetries of Nature. A significant example is the study of parity non-conserving (PNC) interactions which provides one of the best measurements of electro-weak symmetry breaking [1]. More generally, forbidden transitions have been experimentally studied [2] using a variety of techniques (such as electron impact and laser excitation), in a range of contexts (from nebular spectra to cold-ion frequency standards ), and in a number of atoms, ions, and molecules. In the case of alkali atoms, the first observation of a forbidden transition dates back to the early days of quantum mechanics [3]. More recently, non-dipole effects have been explored in photoionization [4], n-wave mixing (NWM) [5] and collision-induced absorption [6]. In the particular case of sodium, the 3S-3D E2 transition moment has been measured using NWM [7] and the 3P-(5P, 4F) transitions were observed in OODR [8], both via pulsed laser excitation.Another frontier in atomic physics is laser cooling and trapping of atoms. The availability of ensembles of cold atoms has made accessible entirely new regimes of atomic behavior ranging from atom-optical effects [9] to the formation of a Bose-Einstein condensate [10]. Moreover, a cold vapor is a nearly ideal enabler for precision measurement applications such as metrology [11] and highresolution spectroscopy [12]. In this Letter, we describe the first experimental observation of a forbidden atomic transition in a laser-cooled vapor, confined in a MOT. Our experiment combines the Doppler-free nature of the MOT, and its specific optical pumping properties, with the high resolution afforded by cw lasers and the nearunity efficiency of ion detection. To illustrate the power of this approach, we demonstrate the electric quadrupolar nature of the 3P-4P transition and use it to analyze the hyperfine structure of the 4P 1/2 level. Measurements of hyperfine splittings are of interest because they are sensitive to electronic correlations and relativistic effects, providing a benchmark for testing the accuracy of many- body atomic structure calculations [13].Our initial observations were made with a standard MOT [12] (Fig.1) operating on the D2 transition. We refer to this as the D2MOT. Atoms held in the trap were probed with light tunable around 750 nm generated using ...