We employ molecular-dynamics (MD) simulations to study grain boundary (GB) premelting in ices confined in two-dimensional hydrophobic nano-channels. Premelting transitions are observed in symmetric tilt GBs in monolayer ices and involve the formation of a premelting band of liquid phase water with a width that grows logarithmically as the melting temperature is approached from below, consistent with the existing theory of GB premelting. The premelted GB is found rough for a broad range of temperature below the melting temperature, the two ice-premelt interfaces bounding the melted GB are engaged with long wave-length parallel coupled fluctuations. Based on current MD simulation study, one may expect GB premelting transitions exist over a wide range of low dimensional phases of confined ice and shows important consequences for crystal growth of low dimensional ices.The term premelting refers to the formation of a thermodynamically stable liquid film at solid interfaces at temperatures below but close to the bulk melting temperature T m . 1 The premelting transitions occur in all types of solids, they stand out in the case of ice, because of their association with terrestrial life and the importance of their environmental effects. 2 Studies of premelting at ice surfaces have been carried out with a wide variety of modern experimental and molecular-level modeling techniques (see in Ref.[2 and 3] and references therein), these studies have demonstrated the rich nature and complexity of the ice surface premelting behaviors, which covers a span from quasi-liquid bilayer-by-bilayer melting process 4,5 to complete, 6 incomplete premelting 7 and a first-order phase transition between two distinct premelting states, 8 depending on temperature, surface crystallographic orientation and even atmospheric environment.In comparison to surface premelting, the complexity mentioned above is only the beginning to be explored for grain boundary (GB) premelting of ices, as more bicrystallography parameters (symmetry, misorientation, and boundary plane) are introduced. It is well known that GB premelting of ice may play a vital role in a variety of processes of geophysical, geological and atmospheric interest. 2 However, the challenges inherent in characterizing the structure of "buried" internal GBs have significantly limited the number of direct experimental studies, 9 and have resulted in a situation that GB premelting is one of most important yet the least studied aspects of ice. During the last decade, GB premelting of pure metals and binary alloys, have been the subject of continuum modeling studies 10-15 and atomistic simulations studies, 16-22 which led to insights into the nature of the thermodynamic driving forces of the GB premelting as a function of GB bicrystallography. In the meantime, advances in the modeling and simulation of ice GB pre-melting remain scarce. 23,24 The present study is also motivated by a recent highresolution electron microscopy study by In their study, the two dimensional (2D) GBs between the crystal...