Motivated by the intrinsic non-Fermi-liquid behavior observed in the heavy fermion quasicrystal Au51Al34Yb15, we study the low-temperature behavior of dilute magnetic impurities placed in metallic quasicrystals. We find that a large fraction of the magnetic moments are not quenched down to very low temperatures T , leading to a power-law distribution of Kondo temperatures P (TK) ∼ T α−1 K , with a non-universal exponent α, in a remarkable similarity to the Kondo-disorder scenario found in disordered heavy-fermion metals. For α < 1, the resulting singular P (TK) induces non-Fermi-liquid behavior with diverging thermodynamic responses as T → 0. Introduction. Fermi-liquid (FL) theory forms the basis of our understanding of interacting fermions. It works in a broad range of systems, from weakly correlated metals [1] to strongly interacting heavy fermions [2]. Over the past decades, however, the properties of numerous metals have been experimentally found to deviate from FL predictions [3,4], and much effort has been devoted to the understanding of such non-Fermi-liquid (NFL) behavior. One interesting avenue is provided by quantum critical points (QCPs): NFL physics may occur in the associated quantum critical regime which is reached upon tuning the system via a non-thermal control parameter such as pressure, doping, or magnetic field [5,6].