We investigate tunneling of excitations across a potential barrier separating two spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensates. Using mean-field theory at absolute zero temperature, we determine the transmission coefficients of excitations in the saturated magnetization state and unsaturated magnetization states. All excitations, except the quadrupolar spin mode in the saturated magnetization state, show the anomalous tunneling phenomenon characterized as perfect tunneling in the low-momentum limit through a potential barrier. The quadrupolar spin mode in the saturated magnetization state, whose spectrum is massive, shows total reflection. We discuss properties common between excitations showing the anomalous tunneling phenomenon. Excitations showing perfect tunneling have a gapless spectrum in the absence of the magnetic field, and their wave functions in the low-energy limit are the same as the condensate wave function.
SHOHEI WATABE AND YUSUKE KATOPHYSICAL REVIEW A 83, 053624 (2011) where the sums with respect to i, j , i , and j are taken over the magnetic sublevels ±1 and 0.ˆ i (r) is the Bose field operatorThe sum with respect to k is taken over the Cartesian coordinates x, y, and z; m is the mass, g is the Landé's g factor, µ B is the Bohr magneton, and B( 0) is the strength of a magnetic field (with the z axis being taken as the direction of the magnetic field). The interaction strengths are given by c 0 = 4πh 2 (2a 2 + a 0 )/(3m), and c 1 = 4πh 2 (a 2 − a 0 )/(3m), where a S tot is the s-wave scattering length for a collision process with total spin S tot . The spin matrices of the spin-1 system are given by