The generation of laser-induced plasma at the gas–liquid
interface provides many fundamental and interesting scientific phenomena
such as ionization, sharp explosion, shock wave radiation, bubble
creation, and water splitting. However, despite the extensive research
in this area, there is no reference on the effect of the surrounding
environment on the chemical processes that occur during the laser-induced
plasma–water interaction. In this work, we investigate the
effect of the surrounding gas environment on femtosecond laser-induced
plasma when generated at the pure water–gas interface. Ultrashort
laser pulses were applied to water in the presence of air and N
and Ar gas environments. Formation of a significant number
of nitrate-based species in water was observed after exposure to femtosecond
laser-induced plasma in air and N
environments. The detected
ions formed in the laser-treated water led to the appearance
of an absorption peak in the UV range, a significant decrease in the
water pH value, and a significant increase in water’s electrical
conductivity. All induced properties of water were stable for 3 months
of monitoring after laser treatment. Our work shows that the generation
of laser-induced plasma in water propagating into a gaseous medium
facilitates the interaction between the two media, as a result of
which the compositions of substances present in the gaseous medium
can be dissolved in water without increasing the gas pressure. The
presented approach may find applications in areas such as water purification,
material synthesis, and environmental stewardship.