The stability of Majorana fermions at the edges of a two-dimensional topological supercondutor is studied, after quenches to either non-topological phases or other topological phases. Both instantaneous and slow quenches are considered. In general, the Majorana modes decay and, in the case of instantaneous quenches, their revival times scale to infinity as the system size grows. Considering fast quantum quenches within the same topological phase, leads, in some cases, to robust edge modes. Quenches to a topological Z2 phase reveal some robustness of the Majorana fermions. Comparing strong spin-orbit coupling with weak spin-orbit coupling, it is found that the Majorana fermions are fairly robust, if the pairing is not aligned with the spin-orbit Rashba coupling. It is also shown that the Chern number remains invariant after the quench, until the propagation of the mode along the transverse direction reaches the middle point, beyond which the Chern number oscillates between increasing values. In some cases, the time average Chern number seems to converge to the appropriate value, but often the decay is very slow. The effect of varying the rate of change in slow quenches is also analysed. It is found that the defect production is non-universal and does not follow the Kibble-Zurek scaling with the quench rate, as obtained before for other systems with topological edge states.