We show that simple extensions of two higgs doublet models consisting of new heavy neutrinos and a singly charged Higgs boson singlet can successfully explain the experimental data on muon and electron anomalous magnetic moments thanks to large chirally-enhanced one-loop level contributions. These contributions arise from the large couplings of inverse seesaw neutrinos with singly charged Higgs bosons and right-handed charged leptons. The regions of parameter space satisfying the experimental data on (g −2) e,µ anomalies allow heavy singly charged Higgs boson masses above the TeV scale, provided that heavy neutrino masses are above few hundred GeV, the non-unitary part of the active neutrino mixing matrix must be large enough, two singly charged Higgs bosons are non degenerate, and the mixing between singly charged Higgs bosons must be non-zero.