A 12-month-old infant presented with tachycardia and respiratory distress. On clinical evaluation, the child was in cardiac failure. There were no clinical features of infection. Haematological studies were normal. The electrocardiogram (ECG) demonstrated septal ischaemic changes. The chest radiograph (Fig. 1) demonstrated gross cardiomegaly involving mainly the ventricles and right atrium. There was peri-hilar alveolar opacification and a left pleural effusion. There was a positive silhouette sign at the right cardiac border, indicating right middle lobe consolidation. These findings were due to pulmonary oedema or infection. The differential diagnosis at this stage was dilated cardiomyopathy, viral myocarditis, mitral valve disease or anomalous left coronary artery originating from the pulmonary artery (ALCAPA). Echocardiography excluded cardiomyopathy and mitral valve disease. Coronary angiography confirmed ALCAPA (Figs 2 and 3). The patient was evaluated for surgery.
DiscussionAnomalous left coronary artery originating from the pulmonary artery (ALCAPA) is a rare coronary artery anomaly that affects 1 in 300 000 live births.1 It was first described in 1886, but Bland, Garland and White described in 1933 the landmark case describing the clinical features linked with ALCAPA; hence it is also known as Bland-White-Garland syndrome.
2,3There are two types of ALCAPA syndrome: the adult and the infant type. The infant type presents with myocardial ischaemia or infarction and/or cardiac failure, and has a mortality rate of 90% within the first year of life.1 Infants may also present with paroxysms of irritability which correlate with episodes of angina.4 ALCAPA can occur in isolation or in conjunction with other lesions such as atrial septal defect and ventricular septal defect. 4 Embryologically, the anomaly arises from either abnormal septation of the aorta and the pulmonary artery, or from persistence of aortic buds that form the coronary arteries.2 In the neonatal period, the baby is asymptomatic as there is anterograde flow of desaturated blood from the pulmonary artery to the left coronary artery. As pulmonary arterial pressure drops, the combination of low flow and desaturated blood causes myocardial ischaemia, especially during exertion. Collateral vessels develop between the right and left coronary arteries. Further decreases in pulmonary arterial pressure result in reversal of flow, as the left coronary artery drains from the right coronary artery, through collaterals, into the pulmonary artery. This is known as myocardial steal; hence the nickname of Al Capone of coronary vessels.
2,4The steal phenomenon causes ischaemia or infarction of the anterolateral LV wall. The electrocardiogram findings include a QR pattern followed by inverted T waves seen on leads I and aVL. The left ventricular surface leads (V 5 -V 6 ) may also show deep Q waves and exhibit elevated ST segments and inverted T waves.2 Patients who survive to adulthood have a good collateral network with large-calibre left and right coronary art...