Elementary excitations in the multipole ordered state, which models the phase III in CeB6, are investigated by means of a generalized Holstein-Primakoff formalism. When different kinds of nearest-neighbor exchange interactions between multipoles are comparable to each other, orbitalflip excitations exhibit almost one-dimensional dispersion along the z axis. With high symmetry of the interactions, zero modes appear due to the macroscopic degeneracy of the ground state. The next-nearest-neighbor dipole-dipole interaction, which stabilizes the magnetic order of the phase III in CeB6, lifts the degeneracy and leads to gapfull excitation spectrum. When the octupole-octupole next-nearest-neighbor interaction exists simultaneously, the spectrum shows softening at Γ and Z points. These excitations may be probed by neutron scattering and ultrasonic measurements.KEYWORDS: orbital degeneracy, multipole moment, Holstein-Primakoff transformation, CeB 6 §1. Introduction Among many fascinating compounds with orbital degeneracy, CeB 6 shows an interesting entanglement of dipole, quadrupole as well as octupole moments.1-7) In particular, the entanglement gives a natural explanation for the longstanding inconsistency between the neutron diffraction and the B 11 -NMR measurements of the phase II.8) Namely, the field-induced octupole moment of Γ 2 -type, which arises through the mode mixing with the dipole moment, causes an extra internal field on the B nucleus sites. It explains the unexpected field-angle dependence in the NMR measurement.In discussing the transition from the antiferroquadrupolar (AFQ) phase, called II, to the magnetically ordered phase III, the mode mixing between dipoles and octupoles also plays an important role.9, 10) The present authors have made systematic analysis of multipole modes under the AFQ ordering.11) Then they have discussed effects of multipolar interactions on magnetic phases within the mean-field approximation. In their model Hamiltonian, the pseudo-dipole-type interactions for the next-nearest neighbors (NNN) are indispensable to account for the observed non-collinear magnetic ordering. The usual exchange-type interactions for the nearest neighbors (NN) are also important.What they found are the followings: 11) (i) the competition between the NN dipole-dipole and octupoleoctupole interactions strongly suppresses transition temperatures for simple AF magnetic order, (ii) the ferromagnetic NNN dipole-dipole interaction plays a dominant role in stabilizing the non-collinear ordering in the phase III, and (iii) the AF NNN octupole-octupole interaction is expected to be as strong as the dipole-dipole interaction since the phase III ′ is observed for relatively *