Under the action of coherent periodic driving a generic quantum system will undergo Floquet heating and continuously absorb energy until it reaches a featureless thermal state. The phase-space constraints induced by certain symmetries can, however, prevent this and allow the system to dynamically form robust steady states with off-diagonal long-range order. In this work, we take the Hubbard model on an arbitrary lattice with arbitrary filling and, by simultaneously diagonalizing the two possible SU(2) symmetries of the system, we analytically construct the correlated steady states for different symmetry classes of driving. This construction allows us to make verifiable, quantitative predictions about the long-range particle-hole and spin-exchange correlations that these states can possess. In the case when both SU(2) symmetries are preserved in the thermodynamic limit we show how the driving can be used to form a unique condensate which simultaneously hosts particle-hole and spin-wave order.