We measured the magnetic properties and heat capacity of three DyAl 2 single crystals with the magnetic field oriented along the three principal crystallographic directions: [100], [110], and [111]. The isothermal entropy change versus temperature curves were obtained from heat capacity and magnetization data for these directions. The experimental results were successfully explained by a mean field model that includes spin reorientation, exchange interactions, and crystalline electric field effects. The anomalous magnetocaloric effect along the [111] direction predicted by theory was confirmed experimentally.
Materials Science and Engineering
Condensed Matter Physics | Metallurgy
CommentsThis article is from Physical Review B 72 (2005) We measured the magnetic properties and heat capacity of three DyAl 2 single crystals with the magnetic field oriented along the three principal crystallographic directions: ͓100͔, ͓110͔, and ͓111͔. The isothermal entropy change versus temperature curves were obtained from heat capacity and magnetization data for these directions. The experimental results were successfully explained by a mean field model that includes spin reorientation, exchange interactions, and crystalline electric field effects. The anomalous magnetocaloric effect along the ͓111͔ direction predicted by theory was confirmed experimentally.