Bleeding and delayed healing may affect the postoperative course following hemorrhoidectomy and cause discomfort to the patient. The present report deals with a modification of the Milligan-Morgan operation: the upper part of the surgical wound is covered with rectal mucosa and the distal edge is stitched with a running suture, with the aim of decreasing both the risk of bleeding and the healing time. The operation has been performed in 12 consecutive patients with two quadrant internal and external piles. The median operative time was 32 minutes (range, 21-30). The mean postoperative pain after 12 hours, measured from 1 to 10 on a visual analogue scale, was 4.4 (SEM, 1.4). All patients but three had their wounds healed within 3 weeks and none of them had postoperative bleeding requiring treatment. Acute urinary retention occurred in one case. All patients were discharged after 48 hours. None had anal incontinence or short-term recurrence. In conclusion, two-quadrant semiclosed hemorrhoidectomy provided good results in terms of both bleeding rate and healing process with an acceptable operative time and postoperative pain.