reconhecedor de entidades mencionadas, regras manuais e técnicas de aprendizado de máquina. Avaliaram-se os classificadores sobre o córpus CSTNews (Rassi et al., 2013;Felippo et al., 2014). Os resultados foram satisfatórios, demostrando que alguns aspec-tos podem ser identificados automaticamente em textos jornalísticos com um desempenho razoável. Já na etapa (ii), elaboraram-se dois métodos inéditos de sumarização multidocumento com base em aspectos. Os resultados obtidos mostram que os métodos propostos neste trabalho são competitivos com os métodos da literatura. Salienta-se que esta abordagem para sumarização tem recebido grande destaque ultimamente. Além disso, é inédita nos trabalhos desenvolvidos no Brasil, podendo trazer contribuições importantes para a área.
Palavras-chave: Sumarização Automática Multidocumento, Aspectos Informativos, Anotação de Papéis Semânticos, Reconhecimento de Entidades Nomeadas, Regras Manuais, Aprendizado de Maquina, Processamento de Língua Natural, Português Brasileiro.
AbstractMulti-document summarization is the task of automatically producing a unique summary from a group of texts on the same topic. With the huge amount of available information in the web, this task is very relevant because it can facilitate the reading of the users. Informative aspects, in particular, represent the basic information units in texts and summaries, e.g., in news texts there should be the following information: what happened, when it happened, where it happened, how it happened and why it happened. Knowing these aspects and the strategies to produce and organize summaries, it is possible to automate the aspect-based summarization. However, there is no research about aspect-based multi-document summarization for Brazilian Portuguese. This research work investigates multi-document summarization methods based on informative aspects, which follows the deep approach for summarization, in which it aims at interpreting the texts to produce more informative summaries. In particular, two main stages are developed: (i) the automatic identification of informative aspects and (ii) and the development and evaluation of two summarization methods based on aspects patterns (or templates). In the step (i) classifiers were created based on semantic role labeling, named entity recognition, handcrafted rules and machine learning techniques.Classifiers were evaluated on the CSTNews annotated corpus (Rassi et al., 2013;Felippo et al., 2014). The results were satisfactory, demonstrating that some aspects can be automatically identified in the news with a reasonable performance. In the step (ii) two novels aspect-based multi-document summarization methods are elaborated. The results show that the proposed methods in this work are competitive with the classical methods. It should be noted that this approach has lately received a lot of attention.Furthermore, it is unprecedented in the summarization task developed in Brazil, with the potential to bring important contributions to the area.