Intact cells of marine pseudomonad B-16 (ATCC 19855) which have been washed with a solution of NaCl require only 0.001 M MgSO, and 100 to 300 times this concentration of NaCl or KCI to prevent lysis. Conversion of intact cells to mureinoplasts, a process involving removal of the outer double-track layer (outer membrane) and the periplasmic space layer of the cell wall, approximately doubled the requirement for the three salts to prevent lysis. The formation of protoplasts from mureinoplasts by removing the peptidoglycan layer again doubled the requirement for Na+ and K+ salts but increased the requirement for the Mg2+ salt 200to 300-fold. Cells of the marine pseudomonad suspended in solutions containing Mg2+ salts failed to lyse on subsequent repeated suspension in distilled water, whereas cells presuspended in NaCl lysed immediately. Isolated envelope layers including the peptidoglycan layer, when dialyzed against solutions containing Mg2+ salts, retained Mg2+ after subsequent suspension in distilled water. Envelope layers exposed to solutions of Na+ or K+ salts failed to retain these ions after exposure to distilled water. Na+ displaced Mg2+ from the cell envelope layers. The results obtained indicate that the capacity of Mg2+ salts at very low concentration to prevent lysis of intact cells and mureinoplasts of this organism is due primarily to the interaction of Mg2+ with the peptidoglycan layer of the cell wall. Ion interaction with the layers lying outside of the peptidoglycan layer contributes only a small amount to the mechanical strength of the wall. One of the characteristics which distinguish gram-negative marine bacteria from their terrestrial and freshwater counterparts is their tendency to lyse when suspended in fresh water (15). The necessity for salts in the suspending medium to prevent lysis was long considered to reflect a requirement of marine bacteria for a medium of suitable osmotic pressure (12). When individual salts were tested, however, it was observed that different salts differed in their capacity to prevent lysis. Twice as much KCl or NH4Cl was required to prevent lysis as NaCl or LiCl (D. B. Pratt and W. H. Riley, Bacteriol. Proc. 55:26, 1955) (17) and salts of such divalent cations as Mg2+, Ca2+, or Mn2+ were effective at concentrations approximately 100-fold lower than those of the monovalent cations (16). Studies with isolated cell envelopes of marine bacteria showed that soluble material of complex composition tended to separate from the