44We leverage two complementary Drosophila melanogaster mapping panels to genetically dissect 45 starvation resistance, an important fitness trait. Using >1600 genotypes from the multiparental 46Drosophila Synthetic Population Resource (DSPR) we map numerous starvation stress QTL that 47 the DGRP. We found strong phenotypic correlations among studies, but extremely low overlap 59 in the sets of genomewide significant sites. Despite this, our analyses revealed that the most 60 highly-associated variants from each study typically showed the same additive effect sign in 61 independent studies, in contrast to otherwise equivalent sets of random variants. This 62 consistency provides evidence for reproducible trait-associated sites in a widely-used mapping 63 panel, and highlights the polygenic nature of starvation resistance. 64 65 Periods of food scarcity and suboptimal nutrient resources present an important 66 challenge for nearly all species (McCue 2010), and this form of environmental stress can limit the 67 survival of individuals with poor nutritional status and reduced stress resistance (Harshman et al. 68 1999;Lee and Jang 2014). As a result, starvation stress resistance has direct implications for the 69 fitness of individuals as they experience resource variability in natural populations. Starvation 70 resistance is a classic quantitative, fitness-related trait that is associated with several other 71 phenotypes that influence survival, lifespan, and reproduction (Service and Rose 1985; Da Lage 72 et al