Microorganisms represent the smallest but arguably most important component of the ocean life. They are essential to all nutrient cycles because they form the bottom of the marine food chain and outnumber all other marine species by orders
of magnitude. Sampling of remote and inaccessible habitats and large-scale
genomic analysis have shown how little we know about the microbial life in the oceans, and how our poor knowledge of the marine chemistry and biology is preventing us from foreseeing the detrimental effects that a too rapidly changing
world has on the oceans’ ecosystems. In this context, polar microorganisms are
attracting particular interest because of their role in global-scale biogeochemical
cycles, in particular the carbon dioxide exchange with the atmosphere (Falkowski et al. 2008). Considering this interest, planktonic and benthic microbial communities from Arctic and Antarctic areas have become the focus of more systematic samplingand rigorous analyses for their taxonomic, prokaryotic (bacterial) and eukaryotic
(protist), biodiversity. A relevant result of these analyses was the finding of
microbial species that, like a diverse range of plant and animal species (Lindberg 1991; Crame 1993), warrant the definition ‘‘bipolar’’ (or ‘‘anti-tropical’’), i.e. species represented by high-latitude populations physically separated in distribution
across the tropics (Darling et al. 2000; Montresor et al. 2003; Brandt et al.
2007; Pawlowski et al. 2007). This concept of species bipolarity has inherently
raised the intriguing question whether co-specific Antarctic and Arctic populations evolved independently since the effective separation (approximately 10–15 million
years ago) between the Arctic and Antarctic cold-water provinces, or whether a
trans-tropical gene flow ensures that these polar populations maintain genetic
continuity (Darling et al. 2000).
Morphological studies alone are clearly insufficient to address this question, due to recurrent phenomena of parallel or convergent morphological evolution that
take place under similar environmental forces. Therefore, more solid grounds
supporting the concept of species bipolarity have been obtained in some species of
foraminifera and dinozoans from analysis of genetic variation in sequences of the small subunit (SSU) rRNA nuclear gene (Darling et al. 2000; Montresor et al. 2003; Brandt et al. 2007; Pawlowski et al. 2007). Nevertheless, unless the calibration
of a molecular clock is supported by abundance in fossil records, as is the
case in foraminifera (Pawlowski et al. 1997), also this genetic approach is impaired by the fact that the same DNA regions may evolve at different rates among closely related organisms. A solution to overcoming this challenge is provided by the well-defined,
monophyletic group of ciliates which are ideal organisms for the analysis of the
breeding structure of natural microbial populations and, therefore, for obtaining
data which satisfy the interbreeding criterion on which the biological (Darwinian) concept of species is founded...