Fed eral Cen tre for Breed ing Re search on Cul ti vated Plants, In sti tute of Fruit Breed ing, Key words: Malus x domestica Borkh., an ther culture, microspore cul ture, ploidy level, re gen er a tion
Ab stractBased on op ti mized pro to cols for an ther and microspore culture in ap ple (Malus x domestica Borkh.), the re gen er a tion phase and the ef fi ciency of the pro cesses in gen eral were compared by us ing the same androgenic ma te rial of two ex per imen tal years. Microspore cul ture re sulted in an in crease in embryo in duc tion de pend ing on the ge no type (Höfer 2004), however an ther cul ture was su pe rior to microspore cul ture in the to tal num ber of re gen er ated plants. The re gen er a tion pro cess in an ther and microspore cul ture is sim i lar. Two de vel op mental path ways were ob served: 1) sec ond ary embryogenesis followed by ad ven ti tious shoot for ma tion and 2) di rect ad ven titious shoot for ma tion from pri mary em bryos. In duc tion and regen er a tion pro cesses are de layed in microspore cul ture as com pared with an ther cul ture. The rea sons for the re duced regen er a tion ef fi ciency in microspore cul ture are dis cussed.
In tro duc tionMost tem per ate fruit trees are char ac ter ized by a long re pro duc tive cy cle with sev eral years of a juve nile phase, a ten dency to allogamy and a large tree size. They are gen er ally highly het ero zy gous, outbreeding spe cies, which are asex u ally prop agated. For these rea sons, their ge netic im prove ment by con ven tional meth ods is time-con sum ing and lim ited by space for field ex per i ments. The pro duction of hap loids of fers new pos si bil i ties for genetic studies and breeding.Whereas the pro duc tion of dou bled hap loids reached very good re sults in many crop plant species (Maluszynski et al. 2003), fruit spe cies be long fur ther more to re cal ci trant spe cies in hap loid produc tion. Ei ther the plant re gen er a tion fails af ter induc tion of cal lus or em bryos (Arrillaga et al. 1995, Peixe et al. 2004 or the ef fi ciency of plant pro duction is very low Chiancone 2003, Kadota andNiimi 2004). Un til now, an ther cul ture has been mainly used. Be side ap ple the only attempt to ap ply microspore cul ture is the in duc tion of em bryos in Cit rus clementina (Ramirez et al. 2003).The Fed eral Cen tre for Breed ing Re search, In stitute of Fruit Breed ing has in ves ti gated hap loid induc tion in ap ple for many years. An ther cul ture tech niques were de vel oped and op ti mized (Höfer 1995(Höfer , 1997, and the first in duc tion of embryogenesis and plant for ma tion from iso lated ap ple micro spores was re ported (Höfer et al. 1999). By op ti mi za tion the pre treat ment con di tions, car bon source con cen tra tion and microspore den sity, the ef fi ciency of the in duc tion phase was im proved and 709