Cities in the contemporary world are experiencing shifts in local climatic conditions that are primarily linked to rapid urban growth, carbon emissions, and environmental degradation. In the present study, land surface temperature (LST) in urban and peri-urban regions of the city of Ranchi was estimated and correlated with land use/land cover (LULC) using temporal LANDSAT satellite images from 2000 to 2014 on a bi-annual basis. The study exhibited a gradual increase in built-up land with total growth of 47.65 sq. km (135%) at the cost of vegetation (−6.8%), rock outcrops (−44.16%), and other LULCs (0.81%). Spatiotemporal LST variability exhibited an increase in area under high-temperature (>38 °C) zones as compared to moderate (30 °C to 38 °C) and low-temperature (<30 °C) zones. Although the LST distinctively escalated in all LULC in the month of May from 2000 to 2014, urban areas exhibited cooler conditions than their environs at a regional scale, except for 2006. A higher surface temperature was observed over bare rock (min./max.: 28–43 °C), fallow land (25–42 °C), and industrial built-up areas (31–43 °C), followed by vegetation (24–34 °C) and waterbodies (22–30 °C). The rapid land transformation to an impervious surface, degradation of vegetation coverage and its health, deforestation due to urbanization, the dumping of non-treated wastewater into reservoirs, and pollution altogether led to an increase in urban heat islands (UHI). The study demonstrated that the LST increased in urban regions but appeared cooler than those of its peri-urban counterparts because of the presence of barren land and rock outcrops. The existing tenancy act had an indirect impact on maintaining natural landscapes and controlling the LST within the Ranchi region. The study recommends nature-based solutions in terms of plantation and green roofing within the rising LST zones located in the urban core and in peripheral rock outcrops collectively to minimize the rising impact of LST in urban and peri-urban regions.