-Magnetic resonance imaging and computer tomography are gold standards in the measurement of muscle tissue (MT), but are expensive. Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DXA) is also costly but safer and allows for the measurement of Appendicular Lean Soft Tissue (ALST), a strong predictor of MT. Alternatively, there are anthropometric models that predict the ALST of Portuguese athletes with low cost/risk that have not been validated in other populations. The aim of this study was to validate anthropometric Portuguese models that predict ALST in young athletes or, if the validation fails, to propose new models. The ALST DXA of 174 young athletes was determined by DXA. Two anthropometric models (ALST mod1 and ALST mod2 ) measuring ALST among Portuguese athletes were tested. To validate the coefficient of determination, the difference (bias) and concordance correlation coefficient between predicted and actual values were computed. Finally, association between mean and difference of methods was verified. Validation failed and, for this reason, new multiple regression models were proposed and validated using PRESS statistics. The Portuguese models explained ~96% of the ALST DXA variability. The difference between ALST mod1 and ALST DXA (-0.7kg) was less than that found for the ALST mod2 and ALST DXA (-2.3kg), with limits of agreement from 3.6 to -2.1 and from 6.1 to -1.5kg, respectively. The new models included three predictive equations for ALST. Only ASLT mod1 was valid; however, it was prone to bias, depending on the magnitude of ALST values. The newly proposed models present validity with greater concordance (r² PRESS =0.98), lower standard error of estimate (SEE PRESS [kg] =0.91) and more homogeneous predicted extreme values.Key words: Anthropometry; Body composition; DXA scan; Skeletal muscle; Sports. (-0,7kg) foi menor do que MIGOap mod2 (-2,3kg)
Resumo -Ressonância magnética e tomografia computadorizada são referências para medir o tecido muscular (TM), porém apresentam custo elevado. A Absorciometria Radiológica de Dupla Energia (DXA) é segura, embora ainda dispendiosa, permite medir a Massa Isenta de Gordura e