Chemical transformation studies of the marine sesquiterpene phenol (S)-(+)-curcuphenol (1) isolated from the Jamaican sponges, Didiscus oxeata and Myrmekioderma styx, were accomplished. In order to optimize the activity and better understand the SAR of (S)-(+)-curcuphenol, nineteen semisynthetic analogs were prepared and evaluated for activity against infectious diseases. A number of analogs showed significant activity against Mtb and Leishmania donovani, while showing good to moderate activities in antibacterial and antifungal assays as well as against P. falciparium (D6 clone) and (W2 clone). The analogs a, c, h, and r exhibited Mtb activity with MICs of 24.6, 41.2, 6.90, and 50.5 μM, respectively. Analog f shows enhanced activity against L. donovani with an IC 50 of 0.6 μM and IC 90 of 40 μM respectively.