We construct charged asymptotically flat black hole solutions in Einstein-Maxwell-Weyl(EMW) gravity. These solutions can be interpreted as generalizations of two different groups: Schwarzschild black hole (SBH) and non-Schwarzschild black hole (NSBH) solutions.In addition, we discuss the thermodynamic properties of two groups of numerical solutions in detail, and show that they obey the first law of thermodynamics. PACS numbers: 04.70.Bw, 42.50.Nn, 04.30.Nk I. INTRODUCTION As well known, the general relativity can be viewed as an effective low-energy field theory in string theory. It's also the first term in an infinite series of gravitational corrections built from powers of the curvature tensor and its derivatives [1]. In addition, the general relativity leaves some open fundamental questions, including the problems of singularity, non-renormalizability, the dark matter and dark energy. In order to answer these questions, Stelle et.al asserted one can add higher derivatives terms to the Einstein-Hilbert action [2]. In four-dimensional spacetime, the most general theory up to the second order in the curvature is given by [3-5]where α, β and γ are constants, and C µνρσ is the Weyl tensor. Notice that for any static, spherically symmetric black-hole solution, the term quadratic in Ricci scalar R makes no contribution to the corresponding field equations [6]. As a result, this setting of β = 0 and γ = 1 has been often applied for simplicity in the Einstein-Weyl (EW) gravity, and this theory reduces to the pure Einstein-Weyl gravity. By fixed α = 1/2, Lü et.al [4,5] derived a new numerical non-Schwarzschild