Detarium microcarpum, is a species confined to drier regions of west and central Africa used to treat various diseases including cancer. Phytochemical screening revealed the presence of secondary metabolites (alkaloids) The aim of this work is to study the effect of total aqueous extracts and alkaloid fractions from D. microcarpum leaves, bark and roots on Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. ‘Bright Yellow 2’ (BY-2) tobacco cell line GFP-TuA3 expressing a N-terminal fusion of GFP. The plant was harvested in two different regions of Mali with a contrasting climate. The effects of the extracts on the microtubules was followed by spinning disc confocal microscopy. We showed that the anti-microtubular effect of the extracts is dose-dependent, depends of the sampling site and the part of the plant used. Total alkaloids extracted of D. microcarpum bark have more effect on microtubules than leaf and root. The bioactivity‐guided fractionation should be used to screen out the biologically active compounds of the total alkaloid extracts of the bark of D. microcarpum.