4.3 Methods 4.4 Descriptive Results 4.4.1 Freelancers Want to Collaborate 4.4.2 Antecedents of Cooperation are Present 4.4.3 Incentivized Social Dilemma 4.4.4 Mixed Preferences for How to Organize Collaborative Crowd Work 4.5 Modeling Results and Insights 4.6 Discussion 4.6.1 Implications for Platform Design 4.6.2 Implications for Management of Workforce Ecosystems 4.6.3 Limitations 4.7 Conclusion Chapter 5 Conclusion References Appendices A.1 Spite is contagious in dynamic networks A.1.1 The Classic Anti-Correlated Interaction Threshold for Spite A.1.2 Measure of Endogenous Correlated Interaction A.1.3 Importance of Coevolution of Strategy and Network A.1.4 Comparison to Prisoner's Dilemma A.1.5 Robustness Tests A.1.6 A Biological Model A.2 Spontaneous emergence of groups and signaling diversity in dynamic networks A.2.1 Additional methods A.2.2 Related work A.2.3 Group formation and network structure A.2.4 Prevalence of hybrid groups as state space increases A.2.5 Hybrid groups promote diversity A.2.6 Properties of homogeneous and hybrid groups A.2.7 Robustness to parameter changes A.