In this note, we extend the theories of the canonical bundle formula and adjunction to the case of generalized pairs. As an application, we study a particular case of a conjecture by Prokhorov and Shokurov. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 14N30; 14E30, 14J40.1 Theorem 1.8. Let (X, B) be a sub-pair, with coeff(B) ∈ Q. Let f : X → Z be a projective surjective morphism of normal varieties with connected fibers and dim X − dim Z = 2. Assume K X + B ∼ Q,f 0, and (X, B) is klt but not terminal over the genericAfter reviewing some facts about generalized pairs, we introduce the notion of weak generalized dlt model, which carries analogs to most of the good properties of dlt models [30, cf. Definitions and Notation 1.9]. In Theorem 3.2 we prove that such models exist. Then, we switch the focus to the generalized canonical bundle formula. Once it is established, we apply this machinery to the study of generalized adjunction and inversion of adjunction. We conclude discussing some applications to the conjecture by Prokhorov and Shokurov.Acknowledgements. The author would like to thank his advisor Christopher D. Hacon for suggesting the problem, for his insightful suggestions and encouragement. He benefited from several discussions with Joaquín Moraga and Roberto Svaldi. He would also like to thank Tommaso de Fernex and Karl Schwede for helpful conversations. He is also grateful to Dan Abramovich, Florin Ambro and Kalle Karu for answering his questions.3 He would like to thank Joaquín Moraga for useful remarks on a draft of this work, and Jingjun Han for pointing out the relation between the main result of this work and a theorem of Chen and Zhang. Finally, he would like to express his gratitude to the anonymous referee for the careful report and the many suggestions.Throughout this paper, we will work over an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0. In this section, we review some notions about generalized pairs. To start, we recall the definition of pair and generalized pair.Definition 2.1. A generalized (sub)-pair is the datum of a normal variety X ′ , equipped with projective morphisms X → X ′ → V , where f : X → X ′ is birational and X is normal, an R-(sub)-boundary B ′ , and an R-Cartier divisor M on X which is nef over V and such that K X ′ + B ′ + M ′ is R-Cartier, where M ′ := f * M. We call B ′ the boundary part, and M ′ the nef part.