Bacterial resistance to antibiotics is precipitating a medical crisis, and new antibacterial strategies are being sought. Hypothesizing that a growth-restricting strategy could be used to enhance the efficacy of antibiotics, we determined the effect of FDA-approved iron chelators and various antibiotic combinations on invasive and multidrug-resistant extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli (ExPEC), the Gram-negative bacterium most frequently isolated from the bloodstreams of hospitalized patients. We report that certain antibiotics used at sublethal concentrations display enhanced growth inhibition and/or killing when combined with the iron chelator deferiprone (DFP). Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry reveals abnormally high levels of cell-associated iron under these conditions, a response that correlates with an iron starvation response and supraphysiologic levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS). The high ROS level is reversed upon the addition of antioxidants, which restores bacterial growth, suggesting that the cells are inhibited or killed by excessive free radicals. A model is proposed in which peptidoglycan-targeting antibiotics facilitate the entry of lethal levels of iron-complexed DFP into the bacterial cytoplasm, a process that drives the generation of ROS. This new finding suggests that, in addition to restriction of access to iron as a general growth-restricting strategy, targeting of cellular pathways or networks that selectively disrupt normal iron homeostasis can have potent bactericidal outcomes.
IMPORTANCEThe prospect that common bacteria will become resistant to all antibiotics is challenging the medical community. In addition to the development of next-generation antibiotics, new bacterial targets that display cytotoxic properties when altered need to be identified. Data presented here demonstrate that combining subinhibitory levels of both iron chelators and certain antibiotics kills pathogenic Escherichia coli. The mechanism of this effect is the production of supraphysiologic levels of reactive oxygen species, likely powered by the excessive import of iron. These findings were consistent for both clinically relevant and no longer clinically used antibiotics and may extend to Staphylococcus aureus as well.A ntibiotics are compounds that inhibit or kill bacteria and may have saved more lives than any other medical intervention, aside from vaccination (1). However, the development of strains resistant to antibiotics is precipitating a medical crisis. It is estimated that each year in the United States there are 900,000 cases of antibiotic-resistant infections, with an estimated cost of over 20 billion U.S. dollars (2). Several factors contribute to resistance, including the over-and misuse of these drugs (which generates evolutionary pressure that selects for resistant strains), horizontal gene transfer (which allows elements that confer resistance to be transferred among species or genera), and the high level of genetic diversity generated from de novo muta...