Nigella sativa originated from the Mediterranean region. It belongs to the family Ranunculaceae (butter-cup family). Used as spice and also generally used therapeutic plant all over the world. Customarily it is used to treat allergic disorders. Important medication in the Indian conventional methods of medication like Ayurveda (herbs) and Unani (roots of plants). Seeds are used as flavoring agent and preservatives. Black cumin seeds were extensively utilized for the cure of various ailments and conditions. In Islamic Literature, it is recognized as one of the ultimate forms of therapeutic medication. It has been widely used as aromatic, respiratory stimulant, diuretic, hypoglycemic, antitumor and an analgesic. N. sativa oil also have therapeutic properties and many active compounds. It is usually extracted by hydro-distillation method. Thymoquinone isolated from the black cumin is the principle main dynamic constituent of its volatile oil that involves in numerous biochemical and physical properties of this plant. The current review paper tries to describe the essential oils of N. sativa, their chemical composition as well as therapeutic activities.