A monoclonal antibody (H1OE), generated by an auto-anti-idiotypic procedure and directed at the aldosterone-binding site of mineralocorticoid receptor (MR), was used in immunohistochemical studies to localize MR in rabbit kidney preparations. In agreement with earlier physiological and biochemical observations, MR was detected in connecting and cortical collecting tubules. Additionally, MR was detected in the distal tubules, the medullary and papillary collecting ducts, and in the epithelial cells lining the papilla.
MATERIALS AND METHODSReagents. Aldosterone, dexamethasone, and estradiol were from Sigma. Deoxycorticosterone acetate and RU 486 were from Roussel-Uclaf (Romainville, France). SC 9420 was from Searle.Tissue Preparation. New Zealand White female rabbits weighing 1.5 kg were used in this study. Bilateral adrenalectomy was performed under Fluothan anesthesia. The animals received Syncortyl (1.9 mg/kg; deoxycorticosterone acetate) i.p. at the time of operation and the 2 following days and were given 0.9% saline to drink ad libitum. These animals were then used 5 to 7 days after surgery. Aldosterone-treated rabbits received an i.p. injection of 1.5 mg of aldosterone 45 min before the study.Normal, adrenalectomized, or aldosterone-treated rabbits were anesthetized with 25 to 50 mg of Nembutal and perfused through the abdominal aorta with 500 ml of Zamboni's solution [2% (wt/vol) paraformaldehyde/15% (vol/vol) saturated picric acid solution/300 mM (85%, vol/vol) sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.4] at 37°C. The perfusion procedure was done as described (3). At the end of perfusion, the kidneys were removed, cut into slices and pyramids (-2 mm thick), and postfixed for 24 hr in the Zamboni fixative. The kidney slices and pyramids were washed in 70o (vol/vol) ethanol, dehydrated in graded ethanol, cleared in 1-butanol, and embedded in Paraplast. Sections (7 ,um) were cut, mounted on histological slides, and processed for immunohistochemistry.Immunohistochemical Technique. A routine procedure of indirect immunostaining was used (4). Briefly, after deparaffinization and rehydration, sections were incubated with 3% normal horse serum in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) solution. The anti-idiotypic mAb H1OE, a mouse IgG1 immunoglobulin, was used as diluted ascites fluid (1). A nonimmune preparation of mouse IgG (prepared in the laboratory) was used as control. The mAb was used at -1-5 ,g/ml, followed by a horse biotinylated anti-mouse IgG antibody (Vector Laboratories). The avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex (ABC-Elite from Vector Laboratories) was used as a detection system. After each incubation step, the slides were rinsed in PBS. Peroxidase activity was revealed by diamiAbbreviations: MR, mineralocorticoid receptor; mAb, monoclonal antibody.§To whom reprint requests should be addressed.
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