Immunochromatography assay is an easy and rapid on-site detection method. However, conventional sandwich immunochromatographies using two antibodies can only detect target molecules above a threshold size. Small molecules below 1000 in molecular weight are usually detected using competitive immunoassay. However, competitive immunoassay is not suitable for visual detection of low concentration samples. Based on the principles of open sandwich immunoassay, which detects small molecules via interchain interaction of separated variable region fragments (VH and VL) from a single antibody, we developed noncompetitive open sandwich immunochromatography. Bone Gla protein (BGP)-C7, a peptide containing the seven C-terminal amino acids of human osteocalcin, was selected as the target. By using VL fragments fixed on a nitrocellulose membrane, and colored cellulose bead-labeled VH fragments, we specifically detected 10 ng/mL of BGP-C7. This is the first report of open sandwich immunochromatography, which is an easy and rapid method for on-site, signal-on detection of small molecules.