One of the human heart auto-antigens cross-reactive with rabbit anti-rabbit heart auto-antibody concentrates (designated auto-antigen D) was purified from phosphate-buffered saline extracts of human heart. The procedure employed sequential salting-out with ammonium sulfate, chromatography on DEAE-cellulose, filtration through Sephadex G-200 gel, and iso-electric focusing in a pH gradient from 4 to 6. The purified auto-antigen D contained no contaminants reactive with plasma-absorbed rabbit antisera to human kidney, human skeletal muscle and human heart, as well as duck anti-rabbit heart sera. One or two trace contaminants were found with goat antibodies to human serum. The iso-electric point of antigen D was 5.0, but it appeared to show a biphasic distribution and was heterogeneous in several other respects. The auto-antigen D had an estimated molecular weight of 68,000, a sedimentation coefficient of 3.5S and a diffusion coefficient of 6.68 × 10––7 cm2 sec ––1.