Polymorphic, acidic proline-rich proteins (PRPs) in saliva influence the attachment of bacteria associated with caries. Our aims were to detect one of three acidic PRP alleles of the PRH1 locus (Db) using polymerase chain-reaction (PCR) on genomic DNA, and to determine its association with caries. DNA was obtained from buccal swabs from Caucasian and African-American children, and their caries experience was recorded. PCR primers designed around exon 3 of the PRH1 locus gave a 416-base product representing Db and a 353-base product representing the other two alleles (Pa or Pif). In Caucasians, Db gene frequency was 14%, similar to Db protein from parotid saliva. In African-Americans, however, it was 37%, 18% lower than Db from parotid saliva (reported previously). Compared with African-Americans, all Caucasians had significantly greater Streptococcus mutans colonization, but only Db-negative Caucasians had significantly more caries. Alleles linked to Db may explain racial differences in caries experience.