ABSTRACT. Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) results, combined with chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) and satellite altimetry information as well as information from oceanographic cruises were analyzed to identify interactions between intrathermocline eddies (ITEs) and the Juan Fernández Archipelago (JFA), and discuss their potential impact on surface Chl-a concentrations. The JFA is located off the coast of central Chile (33°S), and is composed of three main islands: Robinson Crusoe (RC), Alejandro Selkirk (AS) and Santa Clara (SC). Results indicate that the surface and subsurface anticyclonic eddies that interact with the JFA are formed primarily within the coastal transition zone between 33° and 39°S. ITEs are present within the JFA region with a semiannual frequency, mainly during the austral autumn, and have a weak surface expression in relation to the adjacent surface eddies, with a slow displacement (1.16 to 1.4 km d -1 ) in a northwest direction and a coherent structure for periods of ≥1 year. During the ITEs' interaction with RC-SC islands and an adjacent seamount, a slight (prominent) thermocline deflection of the upper limit (lower) was observed. The horizontal extent (~70-100 km) was greater than the internal Rossby deformation radius and the average vertical extent was ~400 m. The interaction between the weak surface expression of ITEs, identified with satellite altimetry, and the JFA persisted during autumn for nine weeks until reaching the winter period. Approximately one month after the beginning of the interaction between ITEs and the islands, increases in surface Chl-a associated with the eddy were observed, with values up to three times higher than adjacent oceanic waters. Keywords: intrathermocline eddies, Juan Fernández Archipelago, southeastern Pacific Ocean.
Remolinos intratermoclina en el Archipiélago Juan Fernández,Océano Pacífico suroriental RESUMEN. Se analizaron los resultados de un modelo oceánico regional (ROMS), combinado con información de clorofila-a (Clo-a) y altimetría satelital, además de información proveniente de cruceros oceanográficos, para identificar la interacción entre los remolinos intratermoclina (ITEs) y el Archipiélago Juan Fernández (AJF), y discutir su potencial impacto sobre las concentraciones de Clo-a superficial. El AJF se encuentra ubicado frente a la costa central de Chile (33°S), y está conformado por las islas Robinson Crusoe, Santa Clara y Alejandro Selkirk. Los resultados indican que los remolinos anticiclónicos superficiales y subsuperficiales que interactúan con el AJF se forman principalmente en la zona de transición costera entre 33° y 39°S. Los ITEs se presentan en la región del AJF con una frecuencia semianual, principalmente durante el período de otoño austral, y poseen una débil expresión superficial respecto de los remolinos superficiales adyacentes, un lento desplazamiento (1,16-1,4 km d -1) con dirección noroeste y una estructura coherente por períodos ≥1 año. Durante la interacción de los ITEs con las islas RC-SC y el monte submarino adyacente, se ob...