Intracranial self-stimulation (ICSS) behavior consists of both reward and motivational effects. It is well known that priming stimulation promotes the motivational effects of ICSS behavior.1) The experimental methodology on a runway method using priming stimulation is able to distinguish between the reward and motivational effects of ICSS behavior.2)The operant runway procedure is used successfully to study motivating properties of a wide variety of reinforcing stimuli including food, 3) water, 4) sex 5) i.v. injected heroin, 6,7) amphetamine, 8) nicotine, 9) and cocaine. 10) These reports indicate that the operant running speed reflects the animal's motivation.6-9) However, experimental methodology on the runway method has not yet been successfully implemented to study the motivational effect of reinforcers, including the electrical brain stimulation reward in ICSS.There are very few treatments or therapeutic drugs that have shown to improve motivation in the clinical setting. This is primarily because the methodology to evaluate how drugs influence motivation has not yet been developed in the animal model. In the present study, we examined whether the runway method using priming stimulation on ICSS behavior effective in estimating the motivational effect of several drugs. First, we ascertained whether priming stimulation elevates the motivational effect of receiving reward stimulation by pushing the goal lever. Then, we evaluated running speed and running times, from start box to pushing the goal lever, to use as an indicator of the animal's motivation to seek reward stimulation. Next, we measured the drug's enhancement effect of motivation in the runway method using priming stimulation on ICSS behavior. Finally, we used nomifensine to measure the motivational effect of this experimental design on the runway method. It is well known that nomifensine facilitates ICSS behavior. [11][12][13][14] Moreover, nomifensine has been used as an antidepressant drug. [15][16][17][18] Clinically, nomifensine is reported to improve depressive mood, declined volition, libido, and fatigue.19,20) These pharmacological effects involve motivational neurologic function. Therefore, nomifensine was used as an experimental drug to evaluate the potential increase in motivational effect.In the present study, we evaluated whether the runway method using priming stimulation on ICSS behavior is an effective experimental methodology to measure the drug's motivational effect. It was hypothesized that the delay in the decrease in running speed would reflect the drug's facilitating effect of motivation to obtain the reward stimulation.
SubjectsMale Wistar rats (Charles River, Japan), weighing 250-300 g at the time of surgery, were used in this study. Three animals were housed in individual plastic cages (26ϫ36ϫ25 cm) in a room maintained at 22Ϯ2°C with an alternating 12-h light/dark cycle (lights on at 19:00 hours). Food and water were provided ad libitum. The experimental protocol was conducted according to the Guidelin...