The neurotransmitter serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) is implicated mainly in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and reported to be responsible for several processes and roles in the human body, such as regulating sleep, food intake, sexual behavior, anxiety, and drug abuse. It is synthesized from the amino acid tryptophan. Serotonin also functions as a signal between neurons to mature, survive, and differentiate. It plays a crucial role in neuronal plasticity, including cell migration and cell contact formation. Various psychiatric disorders, such as depression, schizophrenia, autism, and Alzheimer's disease, have been linked to an increase in serotonin-dependent signaling during the development of the nervous system. Recent studies have found 5-HT and other monoamines embedded in the nuclei of various cells, including immune cells, the peritoneal mast, and the adrenal medulla. Evidence suggests these monoamines to be involved in widespread intracellular regulation by posttranslational modifications (PTMs) of proteins. Serotonylation is the calcium-dependent process in which 5-HT forms a long-lasting covalent bond to small cytoplasmic G-proteins by endogenous transglutaminase 2 (TGM2). Serotonylation plays a role in various biological processes. The purpose of our article is to summarize historical developments and recent advances in serotonin research and serotonylation in depression, aging, AD, and other age-related neurological diseases. We also discussed several of the latest developments with Serotonin, including biological functions, pathophysiological implications and therapeutic strategies to treat patients with depression, dementia, and other agerelated conditions.