This paper focuses on the numerical approximation of the solutions of a class of nonlocal systems in one space dimension, arising in traffic modeling. We propose alternative simple schemes by splitting the non-local conservation laws into two different equations, namely, the Lagrangian and the remap steps. We provide some properties and estimates recovered by approximating the problem with the Lagrangian-Antidiffusive Remap (L-AR) scheme, and we prove the convergence to weak solutions in the scalar case. Finally, we show some numerical simulations illustrating the efficiency of the L-AR schemes in comparison with classical first and second-order numerical schemes.From the application point of view, ρ i represents the density of the i-th vehicle class, characterized by its maximal velocity v max i and its interaction kernel ω i , which accounts for the reaction to downstream traffic distribution. In particular, η i is proportional to the look-ahead distance of drivers and J i represents the interaction strength. Equations (1.1) are coupled through the velocity function, which depends on an integral evaluation of the total traffic density r. For simplicity, in this work we will consider linear decreasing velocities setting ψ(r) = max{1 − r, 0}.Model (1.1) is a multi-class extension of the one-dimensional scalar conservation law with non-local flux proposed in [3,15]. It can also be seen as the non-local generalization of the "local" multi-population model for traffic flow described in [2]. Indeed, one of the limitations of the standard Lighthill-Whitham-Richards (LWR) traffic flow model [17,18] is the first in first out rule, conversely in multi-class dynamic faster vehicles can overtake slower ones and slower vehicles slow down the faster ones. In our setting, the non-local dependence of the speed functions v i describes the reaction of drivers that adapt their velocity with respect to what happens in front of them in terms of downstream traffic, assigning greater importance to closer vehicles, see also [9].Since solutions to (1.1), (1.4) may be discontinuous, they are intended in the following weak sense.