Key Words: anticonvulsants, bi po lar dis or der, de layed pro phy laxis, kind ling, la tency, lith ium, ma jor af fec tive dis or der, out come, pro phy laxis, re sponse, treat ment P a tients di ag nosed with bi po lar dis or ders (BDs) of ten expe ri ence pro longed la tency from ill ness on set to the start of sus tained, long-term pro phy laxis (1-4). This may rep re sent a par tic u larly crit i cal pe riod in the nat u ral his tory of these disor ders (5-9). A widely con sid ered hy poth e sis is that kindling-like phe nom ena or be hav ioural sen si ti za tion oc curs in BD, as re flected in in creas ingly se vere or more rap idly recur ring ill ness ep i sodes over time (5,6). Of ten cited in sup port of this con cept is ev i dence that in ma jor af fec tive ill nesses the cy cle length (that is, the time from the start of an ep i sode to the start of the next) and the in ter vals of rel a tive wellness be tween acute ep i sodes may un dergo pro gres sive short en ing, par tic ularly with out treat ment (10-12).The kind ling hypoth e sis of pro gres sive wors en ing in major affec tive dis or ders arises from an ani mal model of sec ond arily gen er al ized epi lepsy fol low ing ini tially minor and local ized, exper i men tally induced sei zures (6,13). This phe nom e non is some times taken as a nonhomologous model for mood dis orders. The model sug gests that untreated affec tive ill ness may lead to pathophysiological changes in brain tis sue of untreated patients. Some neuroradiological and post mor tem neuropathological find ings have been inter preted as sup porting this hypoth e sis. They include struc tural changes in brain imag ing and post mor tem neuropathological changes in the brain tis sue of BD patients, as well as sug ges tions that mood sta bi liz ers may pre vent or reverse such changes (7,(14)(15)(16)
Ob jec tive:To an a lyze new and re viewed find ings to eval u ate re la tions be tween treat ment response and la tency from on set of bi po lar dis or der (BD) to the start of mood-stabilizer pro phy laxis.
Method:We an a lyzed our own new data and added find ings from re search re ports iden ti fied by com put er ized search ing.Re sults: We found 11 rel e vant stud ies, in volv ing 1485 adult pa tients di ag nosed pri mar ily with BD. Re ported la tency to pro phy laxis av er aged 9.6 years (SD 1.3), and fol low-up in treat ment av er aged 5.4 years (SD 3.1). Greater ill ness in ten sity and shorter treat ment la tency were closely as so ci ated, re sult ing in a greater ap par ent re duc tion in mor bid ity with ear lier treat ment. However, this find ing was not sus tained af ter cor rec tion for pre treat ment mor bid ity, and treatment la tency did not pre dict mor bid ity dur ing treat ment. There fore, as sess ments based on improve ment with treat ment, or with out cor rec tion for pre treat ment mor bid ity, can be mis lead ing.
Con clu sions:Avail able ev i dence does not sup port the pro posal that de layed pro phy laxis may limit re sponse to pro phy lac tic treat ment i...