Roles of Coulomb interaction, orbital degeneracy and Jahn-Teller coupling in double-exchange models are examined for Mn perovskite oxides. We study the undoped Mott insulator as well as metal-insulator transitions by hole doping, and especially strong incoherence of ferromagnetic metal. We derive models where all the spins are fully polarized in two-dimensional planes as in the experimental indications, and investigate their ground-state properties by quantum Monte Carlo method. At half filling where the number of eg electron is one per site on average, the Coulomb interaction opens a Mott gap and induces a staggered orbital ordering. The opening of the Mott gap is, however, substantially slower than the mean-field results if the Jahn-Teller coupling is absent. The synergy between the strong correlation and the Jahn-Teller coupling largely enhances the Mott gap amplitude and reproduces realistic amplitudes and stabilization energy of the Jahn-Teller distortion. Upon doping, the orbital ordering stabilized by the Coulomb interaction is destroyed immediately. Toward the metal-insulator transition, the short-ranged orbital correlation is critically enhanced in metals, which should be related to strong incoherence of charge dynamics observed in experiments. Our model, moreover, exhibits a uniform ordering of d x 2 −y 2 orbital in a wide region of doping in agreement with experimental indications.KEYWORDS: perovskite manganites, double exchange model, Coulomb interaction, orbital degeneracy, JahnTeller coupling, Mott gap, orbital ordering, Jahn-Teller distortion, metal-insulator transition, ferromagnetic metal, incoherent charge dymanics, quantum Monte Carlo method 'Simple' double-exchange (DE) models, that is, models with a single non-interacting conduction band ferromagnetically coupled with localized spins, have been intensively studied 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) to understand physical properties of Mn perovskite oxides, especially collosal magnetoresistance. 6,7,8,9,10) These models have successfully explained several experimental aspects at least qualitatively; for instance, ferromagnetic metals in a hole-doped region with a transition to a paramagnetic state by raising temperature, and a large negative magnetoresistance near the transition. All these properties are due to the so-called double-exchange mechanism; doped holes tend to gain kinetic energy by aligning localized spins in parallel. 1, 2, 3)However, many open problems still remain. In particular, we focus here the following: (i) All the materials are the Mott insulator with a charge gap of order of eV at half filling (one e g electron per Mn site on average), where two-dimensional (2D) anisotropy realizes in spin and orbital orderings, and a cooperative JahnTeller (JT) distortion. 7,11,12,13,15,14) (ii) Upon doping of holes, a metal-insulator (MI) transition occurs from the anisotropic Mott insulator to an isotropic ferromagnetic metal through disordered ferromagnetic insulator. 6, 9, 16) (iii) In the ferromagnetic metallic state, charge dynamics shows strong inco...