We present a self-consistent analysis of the topological superconductivity arising from the interaction between self-ordered localized magnetic moments and electrons in one-dimensional conductors in contact with a superconductor. We show that, due to a gain in entropy, there exists a magnetically ordered yet nontopological phase at finite temperatures that is relevant for systems of magnetic adatom chains on a superconductor. The spin-orbit interaction is taken into account, and we show that it causes a modification of the magnetic order, yet without affecting the topological properties. Introduction. Topological superconductors have received much attention recently, partly because they host exotic low energy excitations such as Majorana bound states [1-3], whose non-Abelian statistics are attractive for topological quantum computation [4,5]. As a remarkable feature, topological superconductivity can be created artificially by contacting specific materials with a conventional s-wave superconductor. For instance, it arises at the interface between the surface states of a three-dimensional topological insulator and an s-wave superconductor [6], in one-dimensional (1D) semiconducting wires with a strong spin-orbit interaction (SOI) and a Zeeman magnetic field with proximitized superconductivity [7][8][9][10][11], or in arrays of magnetic nanoparticles or magnetic adatoms on top of a superconducting surface [12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22], such as iron adatoms on lead [23][24][25].The systems we consider in this Rapid Communication exhibit a topological phase emerging from self-organization of magnetic moments embedded in 1D conductors with proximity induced superconductivity. This situation may apply to semiconducting wires with extrinsic magnetic impurities or intrinsic moments such as nuclear spins, or a conducting wire made of magnetic adatoms on a superconducting surface. Due to the Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY) interaction mediated through the electrons, the magnetic moments can undergo an ordering transition below a temperature T * and form a spiral with a spatial period characterized by the wave number 2k m (see Fig. 1) such that k m = k F , for k F the Fermi momentum. This ordering mechanism was first demonstrated for normal conductors [26,27], then conjectured [13] and selfconsistently demonstrated [28][29][30] for the superconducting case. These results were corroborated recently by showing that the spiral order persists beyond the RKKY limit, and k m stays close to k F , as long as k F is away from commensurate band fillings and the coupling strength A between magnetic moments and electrons remains smaller than the electron bandwidth [31,32].The locking of k m to k F has important consequences. The magnetic spiral forms a periodic superstructure that causes a part of the electrons to undergo a spin-selective Peierls transition [33] to a nonconducting spiral electron spin density wave, whereas the remaining conducting electron states become helical (spin filtered). The induced supercon...