Objective: Treatment of hemorrhagic stroke using tranexamic acid is still used in some hospitals, to prevent the occurrence of the complication called rebleeding. Rebleeding is an important cause of bad outcomes that result loss of consciousness and even death. The administration of the antifibrinolytic tranexamic acid in patients with hemorrhagic stroke can reduce the occurrence of rebleeding, but it also can increase poor outcome caused by cerebral ischemia that can worsen the patient's condition.
Methods:This study used observational study design, cohort, prospective, and multicenter. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the use of tranexamic acid in patients with hemorrhagic stroke. Statistical testing is done by analyzing the Glasgow coma scale (GCS) score on day 1 st , day 3 rd , and day 7 th between the treatment groups hemorrhagic stroke patients who received tranexamic acid therapy as antifibrinolytic therapy in Bethesda Hospital for 23 patients compared with a control group of patients hemorrhagic stroke who did not receive therapy as tranexamic acid antifibrinolytic therapy in the Dr. Sardjito Hospital for 23 patients.
Results:The statistical analysis of the independent t-test showed that there was no significant difference between the average GCS score of day 1 st (p=262), day 3 rd (p=0.293), and day 7 th (p=0.648) between treatment group and control group. The statistical analysis of the Mann-Whitney showed that there was not significant difference comparing the difference between the pre and post GCS score at treatment group and control group (p=0.158).
Conclusion:Administration of tranexamic acid in patients with hemorrhagic stroke (treatment group) gives the same clinical response compared to the patients who did not receive tranexamic acid therapy (control group) based on assessment of the GCS score.