A thermodynamic analysis of a cold-adapted protein, type III anti-freeze protein (AFP), was carried out. The results indicate that the folding equilibrium of type III AFP is a reversible, unimolecular, two-state process with no populated intermediates. Compared to most mesophilic proteins whose folding is twostate, the psychrophilic type III AFP has a much lower thermodynamic stability at 25°C, ;3 kcal/mol, and presents a remarkably downshifted stability-temperature curve, reaching a maximum of 5 kcal/mol around 0°C. Type III AFPs contain few and non-optimally distributed surface charges relative to their mesophilic homologs, the C-terminal domains of sialic acid synthases. We used thermodynamic double mutant cycles to evaluate the energetic role of every surface salt bridge in type III AFP. Two isolated salt bridges provided no contribution to stability, while the Asp36-Arg39 salt bridge, involved in a salt bridge network with the C-terminal carboxylate, had a substantial contribution (;1 kcal/mol). However, this contribution was more than counteracted by the destabilizing effect of the Asp36 carboxylate itself, whose removal led to a net 30% increase in stability at 25°C. This study suggests that type III AFPs may have evolved for a minimally acceptable stability at the restricted, low temperature range (around 0°C) at which AFPs must function. In addition, it indicates that salt bridge networks are used in nature also for the stability of psychrophilic proteins, and has led to a type III AFP variant of increased stability that could be used for biotechnological purposes.Keywords: psychrophilic protein; cold adaptation; antifreeze protein; thermodynamic stability; salt bridge Psychrophilic, or cold-adapted, proteins are widespread in organisms living in cold environments. These proteins constitute excellent models to study molecular adaptations to extreme conditions (Jaenicke 1990; Gerday 1997, 2003;Jaenicke and Böhm 1998;Smalas et al. 2000;Arnold et al. 2001;D'Amico et al. 2002;Marx et al. 2004), and may have many biotechnological applications (Feller and Gerday 1997;Russell 1998;Cavicchioli et al. 2002;Marx et al. 2004). Most studies on the stability of cold-adapted proteins (Ushakov 1964;Chen and Berns 1978;Cheng and DeVries 1989; Reprint requests to: Mauricio G. Mateu, Centro de Biología Molecular ''Severo Ochoa'' (UAM-CSIC), Universidad Autó noma de Madrid, Cantoblanco, 28049 Madrid, Spain; e-mail: mgarcia@cbm. uam.es; fax: +34-914974799.Abbreviations: AFP, antifreeze protein; CD, circular dichroism; GdmHCl, guanidinium hydrochloride; T m , transition temperature; DH u Tm , enthalpy of unfolding at the transition temperature; DG u H2O , free energy of unfolding extrapolated to absence of denaturant; m, variation in the free energy of unfolding with the denaturant concentration; DDG u H2O , the change in DG u H2O upon mutation; DDG intXY , the coupling energy between groups X and Y in a protein.Article published online ahead of print. Article and publication date are at