Aim. Study the effect of Rise P® biological product, pesticide Celest Top, fungicide Quadrison on the growth, development, productivity and infestation of seed potato tubers with rhizoctonia. Methods. Field, measuring, weight, statistical. Results. Scientific studies have established the effectiveness of Rise P® biological product (Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (strain IT45)), pesticide Celest Top, fungicide Quadris for seed potatoes growing. The yield of seed potato of Skarbnytsia variety of superelite class in the variant with the treatment of planting material with Rise P® (450 g/t) increased by 3.3 t/ha or 8.9%. The combination of treatment of tubers with Rise P® and pesticide Celeste Top (0.7 l/t) contributed to an increase in potato yield relative to the control variant by 3.7 t/ha (9.9%), relative to the variant with the application of the pesticide of chemical origin – Celest Top, an increase in yield by 1.8 t/ha or 4.8% was observed. Application of Celest Top + Quadris (3.0 l/ha) provided an increase in yield to the control variant by 2.5 t/ha (6.7%). The treatment with tank mixtures of Celest Top + Rise P® + Quadris resulted in a yield increase of 4.0 t/ha (10.8%) compared to the control variant. Conclusions. The application of Rise P® biological product contributed to the growth of the overall yield and productivity of the basic seed potatoes of Skarbnytsia variety and reduction of tuber damage by rhizoctonia. Treatment of potato planting material with Rise P® biological product at the application rate of 450 g/t provided 4.3% of weakly affected tubers and 1.3% of tubers with a surface covering more than 10%, with infestation on the control variant without treatment of tubers with weak damage 14.0% and with a strong damage – 6.7%, which meets the norms of national legislation – “Methodological requirements in the field of seed production to preserve the varietal and sowing qualities of seed potatoes”, the order of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine of July 12, 2019 No. 384. The permissible degree of tuber infection by Rhizoctonia (for tuber surface infestation over 10%) is 5.0%.