The dynamics of appearance of cells specifically reactive to brain antigen (SRC) in the regional lymph nodes and peripheral blood was studied in guinea pigs with experimental allergic pertussis encephalomyelitis (EAE). In the middle of the incubation period of EAE (the 6th-7th day) the largest number of SRC was found in the regional lymph nodes, and this was followed by a marked decline until the 9th day of sensitization, whereas the greatest number of SRC in the peripheral blood was observed at this time. In the period of clinically marked EAE (20th day) the number of SRC in the regional lymph nodes was increased, whereas the number in the peripheral blood was reduced. It is concluded that the SRC discovered may belong to the population of T-lymphocytes. KEY WORDS: allergic encephalomyelitis; specifically reactive cells.Convincing evidence has now been obtained that experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) is due to the activity of sensitized lymphocytes [3, 10,12]. It has been shown, in particular, that T-cells are responsible for the development of EAE and of cellular immunity to the basic protein of myelin in sensitized animals [5, 10,15].