Abs specific for phosphorylcholine (PC) are known to contribute to the immune defense against a variety of microbial infections. To assess for other types of binding interactions, we performed surveys of anti-PC Abs of diverse biologic origins and structural diversity and demonstrated a common autoreactivity for oxidatively modified low density lipoprotein and other oxidation-specific structures containing PC-Ags. We also found that cells undergoing apoptosis sequentially express a range of oxidation-specific neo-self PC determinants. Whereas natural Abs to PC recognized cells at early stages of apoptosis, by contrast, an IgG anti-PC Ab, representative of a T cell-dependent response, recognized PC determinants primarily associated with late stages of apoptosis. Cumulatively, these results demonstrate a fundamental paradigm in which Abs from both the innate and the T cell-dependent tiers of the B cell compartment recognize a minimal molecular motif arrayed both on microbes and as neo-self Ags linked to atherosclerosis and autoimmune disease.