SummaryThe monoclonal antibody OX22 defines a functional split within CD4 + T cells in the rat, with OX22his h cells mainly producing interleukin 2 (IL-2) and interferon 3~ and responsible for delayed-type hypersensitivity responses, and OX22 j~ cells mainly producing IL-4 and -5 and responsible for providing B cell help. There are reciprocal interactions between OX22his h and OX22 I~ cells, and it has been suggested that the OX22 l~ subset has a role in the prevention of autoimmunity. We have used OX22 in vivo to define the role of these subsets in mercuric chloride-induced autoimmunity in the Brown Norway rat. In this model, there is polyclonal B cell activation and animals develop widespread tissue injury. Treatment of thymectomized animals with OX22 led to a profound reduction in the number of OX22his h T ceils in the peripheral blood. OX22-treated animals consistently developed more severe tissue injury than controls given an irrelevant antibody of the same isotype. Control animals pretreated with broad spectrum antimicrobial drugs showed milder tissue injury, but this protective effect of antimicrobials was lost in OX22-treated animals. Transfer of naive T cells to OX22-treated animals provided protection, but if T cells were depleted in vitro of OX22 high cells before transfer, this effect was lost. These data provide evidence for a protective immunoregulatory role for OX22 high T cells in mercuric chloride-induced autoimmunity.T he functional split of T cells defined by the cell-surface markers CD4 and CD8 is well-known, with helper/inducer T cells defined by expression of CD4 and suppressor/cytotoxic T cells defined by CDS. There has been considerable recent progress in the characterization of functionally distinct T cell subpopulations within these major categories. In the mouse, CD4 + cells can usually be subdivided on the basis of the cytokines they secrete, with one subset (Thl) predominantly producing IL-2 and fiN-3', and a second subset (Th2) predominantly producing IL-4 and IL-5 and responsible for providing B cell help (1). There is evidence of a similar functional split within CD4 ~ T cells in the rat (2, 3) and in humans (4). A number of phenotypic markers have been used to define subsets of CD4 § T cells, and one of the best studied of these is the CD45 molecule, also known as the leukocyte common antigen (5-7). CD45 occurs in several different isoforms that are derived by differential splicing of at least three variable exons situated near the 5' end of the gene (8). A number of mAbs are available that recognize specific CD45 isoforms denoted CD45RO, CD45RA, CD45RB, and CD45RC (9). In the rat, the mAb MRC-OX22 binds to a high molecular weight isoform (CD45RB and/or CD45RC) and defines subpopulations of CD4 + T cells with different functions (2, 10). OX22 hish CD4 § cells produce IL-2 and IFN-% but little IL-4, whereas OX22 l~ CD4 + cells provide B cell help, producing more IL-4 with less IL-2 and IFN-3~ (2, 10). Transfer of OX22his h CD4. § T cells into nude athymic rats has been reported to...