Complementary DNAs were synthesized from the envelope protein genes of two isolates of dengue virus (TH-36 and TH-Sman, previously suggested as possible dengue virus type 5 and dengue virus type 6 respectively) and amplified by the polymerase chain reaction using sense and antisense primers designed from conserved dengue virus gene sequences. The amplified cDNA clones were sequenced in both directions by double-stranded dideoxynucleotide sequencing. Alignment with published dengue virus sequences enabled us to assign these viruses accurately to classified serotypes, confirming that TH-36 and THSman are strains of dengue virus type 2 and dengue virus type 1 respectively. Amino acid changes between the proteins encoded by these two isolates and strains of their respective serotypes may account for the significant antigenic differences observed during previous serological typing of these viruses. Moreover, sequence alignment of flavivirus envelope proteins revealed a hypervariable region, within which members of the dengue and tick-borne virus antigenic complexes show unique peptide sequences. This type-specific hypervariable domain may be useful as a genetic marker for typing dengue and tick-borne flaviviruses.Dengue viruses, mosquito-borne members of the family Flaviviridae (Westaway et al., 1985), are responsible for classic dengue fever and for the associated conditions dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) and dengue shock syndrome, each of which has a high level of morbidity and mortality in the tropics. There is evidence suggesting that the more severe forms of dengue fever occur when individuals (usually children) with cross-reactive but non-protective antibodies, acquired maternally or induced by prior infection with a different serotype, are naturally exposed to dengue virus infection (Halstead, 1981(Halstead, , 1988. Despite much research, effective dengue virus vaccines are not yet available, so the antigenic properties of dengue viruses have received much attention.Currently, four distinct dengue virus serotypes (types 1 to 4; DEN1 to DEN4) can be distinguished by complement fixation (CF), haemagglutination-inhibition and neutralization tests (Porterfield, 1980). Two Thai isolates are of particular interest. Strain TH-36 wasThe sequence data reported in this article have been deposited with the DDBJ, EMBL and GenBank databases under the accession numbers D01073 (TH-Sman) and D01074 (TH-36). isolated in 1958 by Hammon and co-workers from a patient with DHF in Bangkok, and TH-Sman was isolated from a similar patient by Dr Sman Vardhanabhuti. Strain TH-36 was initially identified as DEN2 and TH-Sman as DEN 1, but both were shown to differ to a significant degree from the respective prototype strains by CF, plaque neutralization, immunodiffusion and immunoelectrophoresis tests (Hammon et al., 1961; Hammon & Sather, 1964a, b; Ibrahim & Hammon, 1968a, b;Ibrahim et al., 1968). Tests using the soluble complement-fixing antigen also showed that strain THSman differed from the prototype DEN1 virus, but TH-36 was ind...