Delayed type (footpad) hypersensitivity (DTH) in BALBjc mice immunized with rough mutant strains of Salmonella typhimurium LT2 was examined. Injection of live organisms of an Rb mutant TVI48 strain induced DTH in mice, while injection of the heat-killed organisms did not. The mice immunized with live organisms of the Ra, Rb, Rc, Rd, and Re mutant strains showed positive footpad reactions to the heat-killed cell antigen of LT2 (wild type) strain. The mice immunized with the Rb mutant strain also showed positive footpad swellings in response to heat-killed cell antigens of S. paratyphi A, S. paratyphi B, S. typhi, S. enteritidis, and S. cholerae-suis. Furthermore, positive reactions to antigens of Escherichia coli and Shigella jlexneri were seen in the TVl48-immunized mice, but the mice did not respond to heat-killed organisms of Pseudomonas aeruginosa or Staphylococcus aureus. The crossreactive footpad reaction to E. coli could be transferred adoptively with T cells prepared from the spleens of TV I48-immunized mice into syngeneic recipients. These results suggest that the cross-reactive DTH antigen(s) is widely distributed among related organisms such as Shigella and Escherichia.