A childhood malignancy can rarely progress to ESRD requiring a KT. To date, few reports describe long‐term outcomes of pediatric KT recipients with a pretransplant malignancy. Between 1963 and 2015, 884 pediatric (age: 0‐17 years old) recipients received 1055 KTs at our institution. KT outcomes were analyzed in children with a pretransplant malignancy. We identified 14 patients who had a pretransplant malignancy prior to KT; the majority were <10 years old at the time of KT. Ten (71%) patients received their grafts from living donors, the majority of which were related to the recipient. Wilms' tumor was the dominant type of pretransplant malignancy, seen in 50% of patients. The other pretransplant malignancy types were EBV‐positive lymphoproliferative disorders, non‐EBV‐positive lymphoma, leukemia, neuroblastoma, soft‐tissue sarcoma, and ovarian cancer. Ten of the 14 patients received chemotherapy as part of their pretransplant malignancy treatment. Graft survival at 1, 3, and 5 years was 93%, 83%, and 72%, respectively. Patient survival at 1, 5, and 10 years was 100%, 91%, and 83%, respectively. Six (40%) patients suffered AR following KT; half of them had their first episode of AR within 1 month of KT. Our single‐center experience demonstrates that pediatric KT recipients with a previously treated pretransplant malignancy did not exhibit worse outcomes than other pediatric KT patients.