Discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is characterized by atrophic patches with peripheral hyperpigmentation on sun-exposed skin areas. It rarely presents with diffuse hyperpigmented patches without erythema, adherent scales and atrophy on the face and neck. This presentation is called melanotic lupus erythematosus and it has rarely been reported in the literature. Other conditions that cause facial pigmentation, such as melasma, Riehl melanosis, lichen planus pigmentosus, and drug-related pigmentation should be considered in the differential diagnosis. We herein, report a 66-year-old male patient with diffuse blue-brown pigmentations on his face who was diagnosed as having melanotic lupus erythematosus based on the clinical, histopathological and immunofluoresence findings.
GirişYüzde yerleşen ve akkiz hiperpigmentasyonla seyreden lezyonların ayırıcı tanısında melazma, solar, lentigo, çiller, Riehl melanozu, liken planus pigmentozus (LPP), ilaca bağlı hiperpigmentasyon, ekzojen okronoz, argirya, Ota nevüs, Hori nevüs, Becker nevüs, fiks ilaç erüpsiyonu, akantozis nigrikans ve diskoid lupus eritematozus (DLE) gibi hastalıklar düşünülmelidir 1 . Bunlar arasında DLE sıklıkla güneş gören bölgelerde ortaları atrofik kenarları hiperpigmente plaklar şeklinde görülür. Nadir olarak yüz ve boyunda eşlik eden eritem, yapışık skuam ya da atrofi olmadan diffüz hiperpigmente plaklar şeklinde ortaya çıkabilir 2,3 .